
Dissemination of research results from the research project POLICYAID





Medical law:

Contreras, J., L. & Nordfalk, F. (2019) Liability (and) Rules for Health InformationHealth Matrix 29·Issue 1: 179-223

Hartlev, M. (2018). Sundhedsdata sætter patienternes privatliv under pres, i Rikke Frank Jørgensen og Birgitte Kofod Olsen, Eksponeret: Grænser for privatliv i en digital tid, GAD: 13-28.

Hartlev & S. Wadmann (2018) Sundhedsdata og kvalitetsudvikling – et retligt kludetæppe. Juristen nr 4.

Property law:

Neethu, R., (2020) The impact of Trade secrets for Publicly funded research Collaborations in Europe’ (in) The harmonization and protection of trade secrets in the EU – An Appraisal of the EU Directive’ by Jens Schovsbo, Thomas Riis and Timo Minssen (eds.), EE Elgar: 295-319.

Other policy forces:

Wadmann, S., Hartlev, M. & Hoeyer, K. The life and death of confidentiality: a historical analysis of the flows of patient information, BioSocieties – special issue 2022)

Hoeyer, K (2016) Denmark at a Crossroad? Intensified Data Sourcing in a Research Radical Country (in) The Ethics of Biomedical Big Data (by) L Floridi & B Mittelstadt (eds.) Dordrecht: Springer: 73-94.

Hoeyer, K (2019) Data as promise: reconfiguring Danish public health through personalized medicine, Social Studies of Science, https://doi.org/10.1177/0306312719858697.

Hoeyer, K (2020) Data promiscuity: How the public-private distinction shaped digital data infrastructures and notions of privacy, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 7 (37): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-020-00535-6




Nordfalk, F. (2021) “The Mutual Enablement of Research Data and Care: How Newborn Babies Become a National Research Population”, Science & Technology Studies. https://doi.org/10.23987/sts.98655

Nordfalk F, Jensen AMB. Mothering a population: How Danish mothers experience newborn dried blood spot samples and their considerations about re-use of samples for research purposes. European Journal of Midwifery (under review).

Nordfalk F. & Ekstrøm, C. T., Newborn dried blood spot samples in Denmark: the hidden figures of secondary use and research participation (in) European Journal of Human Genetics, volume 27, pages 203–210 (2019)

General practice and municipal care:

Haase, C. B., Bearman, M., Brodersen, J., Hoeyer, K. & Risor, T. (2020) ‘You should see a doctor’, said the robot: Reflections on a digital diagnostic device in a pandemic age. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 140349482098026, https://doi.org/10.1177/1403494820980268

Wadmann, S & K Hoeyer (2018) Dangers of the Digital Fit: Rethinking Seamlessness and Social Sustainability in Data-Intensive Healthcare, Big Data & Society. DOI: 10.1177/2053951717752964

Hoeyer and Bødker (2020) Weak Data: The Social Biography of a Measurement Instrument and How It Failed to Ensure Accountability in Home Care, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 34(3): 420-437, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/maq.12602

Christoffer Bjerre Haase, Rola Ajjawi, Margaret Bearman, John Brandt Brodersen, Torsten Risor, Klaus Hoeyer (2023) Data as symptom: Doctors’ responses to patient-provided data in general practice, Social Studies of Science. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1177/030631272311643

Specialized care:

Sarah Wadmann, Christina Holm-Petersen and Charlotta Levay (2018). ‘We don’t like the rules and still we keep seeking new ones’: The vicious circle of quality control in professional organizations. Journal of Professions and Organization, P. 1–16 doi: 10.1093/jpo/joy017

Green, S, A Carusi & K Hoeyer (2019) Plastic diagnostics: The remaking of disease and evidence in personalized medicine. Social Science and Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.05.023

Hoeyer, K & Wadmann, S (2020) ‘Meaningless work’: how the datafication of health reconfigures knowledge about work and erodes professional judgement, Economy and Society. 1-22, https://doi.org/10.1080/03085147.2020.1733842


Skovgaard, LL & K Hoeyer (2022) Data Authority: Public Debate about Personalized Medicine in Denmark, Public Understanding of Science (Online first), DOI: 10.1177/09636625221080535

Nordfalk F, Hoeyer K (2017) The rise and fall of an opt-out system. In Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 1-5.

Hoeyer, K (2016) Traveling questions: uncertainty and nonknowledge as vehicles of translation in genetic research participation, New Genetics and Society, 35 (4): 351-371, DOI: 10.1080/14636778.2016.1245134 


International data sharing in and among high-income countries:

Sheikh, Z. A. (2022). Dealing with complicity in fieldwork: Reflections on studying genetic research in Pakistan. Sociology of Health and Illness. Early View

Sheikh, Z.A., Wahlberg, A. (2021) More than sample providers: how genetic researchers in Pakistan mobilized a prenatal diagnostic service for thalassemia. BioSocieties (online first). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41292-021-00264-2

Kongsholm NCH, Christensen ST, Hermann JR, Larsen LA, Minssen T, Pedersen LB, Rajam N, Tommerup N, Tupasela A, Schovsbo J. Challenges for the Sustainability of University-Run Biobanks. Biopreserv Biobank. 2018 Aug;16(4):312-321. http://doi.org/10.1089/bio.2018.0054. Epub 2018 Jul 17. PMID: 30016130.

Tupasela, A (2017) Data-Sharing Politics and the Logics of Competition in Biobanking. In Vincenzo Pavone and Joanna Goven (eds.) Bioeconomies. Palgrave: 187-206

Riso B, Tupasela A, Vears DF, et al. (2017) Ethical sharing of health data in online platforms – which values should be considered? Life Sciences, Society and Policy 13:12.

Di Nucci, E, Tupasela, A and Thybo, R. (2020) Ethics of medical AI: the case of Watson for Oncology. In Ezio Di Nucci, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard Knox & Rasmus Thybo Jensen (eds.) Medicinsk Etik: 8 Cases. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3432317

Tupasela, A. and di Nucci, E. (2020) Concordance as evidence in the Watson for Oncology decision-support system. Artificial Intelligence & Society. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-020-00945-9

Tupasela, A, Snell, K and Tarkkala, H. (2020) The Nordic Data Imaginary. Big Data & Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/2053951720907107

Tupasela, A. (2021) Populations as Brands – The Global Market for Population Data. Springer.

International data sharing between high and low-income countries:

Sheikh, ZA & Jensen, AMB (2019) 'Channeling Hope: An Ethnographic Study of How Research Encounters Become Meaningful for Families Suffering from Genetic Disease in Pakistan' Social Science & Medicine, bind 228C, s. 103-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.03.024

Sheikh ZA, Hoeyer K (2017) “That is why I have trust”: unpacking what ‘trust’ means to participants in international genetic research in Pakistan and Denmark. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. DOI 10.1007/s11019-017-9795-9

Sheikh ZA, Hoeyer K (2018) “Stop Talking to People; Talk with Them”: A Qualitative Study of Information Needs and Experiences Among Genetic Research Participants in Pakistan and Denmark. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 1-12. DOI: 10.1177/1556264618780810

Sheikh, Z (2020) Engaging data collection: An ethnographic study of how researchers and families in Pakistan make international genetic research relevant for themselves. Thesis. University of Copenhagen

Citizen views of international data sharing:

Skovgaard, L.L., Wadmann, S. & Hoeyer, K. A review of attitudes towards the reuse of health data among people in the European Union: The primacy of purpose and the common good. Health Policy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2019.03.012


Publications are under review or in progress

Jensen, AMB. (2022). Making it Happen: Data Practices and the Power of Diplomacy among Danish Organ Transplant Coordinators. BioSocieties, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41292-021-00267-z


Hoeyer, K & M Olejaz (2020) Desire, duty and medical gifting: How it became possible to long for a useful death. Mortality. 25(4): 418-432 https://doi.org/10.1080/13576275.2019.1684252 



Ethics of datafication:

Hoeyer, K & BR Winthereik (2022) Knowing, unknowing and reknowing (in) The Palgrave Handbook of the Anthropology of Technology (by) Bruun, MH, A Wahlberg, R Douglas-Jones, C Hasse, K Hoeyer, DB Kristensen, BR Winthereik (eds.). London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Pp. 217-235)

Hoeyer, K (2018) Lost and Found: Relocating the Individual in the Age of Intensified Data Sourcing in European Healthcare (in) Personalized medicine, individual choice and the common good (by) B Beers, S Sterckx and D Dickenson (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Pp. 133-154). (Green open access)

Hoeyer, K (2020) Ethics as a form of regulation in relation to data and bodily materials

(in) Research Handbook on Socio-Legal Studies of Medicine and Health (by) Marie-Andrée Jacob and Anna Kirkland (eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (pp. 333-347) (Green open access)

Synthesis of insights into datafication processes:

Hoeyer, K. (2019) Hvem skal bruge sundhedsdata – og til hvad? Copenhagen. Informations Forlag.

Hoeyer, K., S. Bauer and M. Pickersgill (eds.) (2019) From Person to Population and Back: Exploring Accountability in Public Health. Special Issue of Social Studies of Science 49(4): 459-650.

Hoeyer, K, S Bauer & M Pickersgill (2019) Datafication and accountability in public health: Introduction to a special issue. Social Studies of Science, 49(4): 459-475 https://doi.org/10.1177/0306312719860202

Hoeyer, K (2023) Data Paradoxes. The politics of Intensified Data Sourcing in Healthcare. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.







Sheikh, ZA (2021), “Destinies on Momentary Display: Families Suffering from Genetic Disease in Pakistan”. Paper presented for the Chronic Living Conference, ‘Quality, vitality and health in the 21st century’. March 5.

Jensen, AMB. (2020). Invisible Urgencies: Data Practices and Data Temporalities among Danish Organ Transplant Coordinators. Paper præsenteret ved Data Times: Immediacies, Lifecycles, Forgettings , Copenhagen, Danmark.

Jensen, A. MB. (2020). Donors Data and Disposable Bodies: Dignity and Personhood in Organ Transplant Technologies. Paper præsenteret ved EASST + 4S JOINT CONFERENCE, Prague, Tjekkiet.

Hoeyer, K (2021) Using treatment data for research: The Danish case. Invited presentation to Central Ethics Committee at the German Medical Association (ZEKO), webinar, December 3.

Hoeyer, K (2021) The future for donor consent. Invited talk at the Biobanking in the era of personalized medicine symposium and PhD course. Copenhagen: Statens Serum Insitute, November 16

Hoeyer, K (2021) Data as drugs. Invited presentation and online interview at webinar to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Institute of Biomedical Ethics, University of Basal, Switzerland, June 24.

Rogvi, S and K Hoeyer (2021) The power of the mask. How data predictions became tools of power and Danes reacted during the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference Pandemic societies – a comparative perspective, Department of Sociology, Denmark, May 27.

Hoeyer, K (2021) Datadrevet sundhed? Muligheder og risici for det præhospitale område. Inviteret taler på online-workshop, Ledelseskredsen for den præhospitale indsats, Denmark, April 8.

Hoeyer, K (2021) God brug af data. Inviteret taler på webinar, Samuelsens Netværk, Denmark, April 7.

Hoeyer, K (2021) Er loven en hindring for det kliniske arbejde? Inviteret taler på webinar, Samuelsens Netværk, Århus, Denmark, February 4.

Brodersen, J & K Høyer (2017) Sundhedsprofessorer: Pulsmålere kan føre til overbehandling

Høyer, K (2020) The future for donor consent. Scaling Omics Approaches to Population Size. Copenhagen: Statens Serum Insitute, November 12.

Hoeyer, K (2019) Hvem skal bruge sundhedsdata og til hvad? Interview på Bogforum, Bella Centeret, København, 15. november.

Hoeyer, K (2019) Et datadrevet sundhedsvæsen: Hvad vil det sige og hvad betyder det for arbejdet i praksis? Inviteret taler på Sundhedskonferencen, Bygholm, Horsens, 14. november.

Wadmann (2019) Professionelt arbejde, målstyring og faglig ledelse. Ledelsesseminar, Psykiatrisk Center Ballerup. Helsingør, 31. oktober

Wadmann (2019) Professionelt arbejde mellem måltal og professionsetik. Fagligt seminar, Psykiatrisk Center Glostrup. Glostrup, 22. oktober

Hoeyer (2019) Det datadrevne sundhedsvæsen: Hvad betyder det for dig? Inviteret tale ved fagdag for psykologer i Region H, Købehavn, 7. oktober.

Hoeyer (2019) Hvem skal bruge sundhedsdata – og til hvad? Inviteret tale ved Masterclass i datadrevet ledelse, Region H, Købehavn, 2. oktober.

Hartlev og Ò Cathaoir (2019), Big data, personalized medicine and tensions between autonomy and solidarity in the welfare state. Presentation at European Association of Health Law conference, Toulouse, France, October 2019

Hoeyer (2019) Datafying the patient voice. Healthcare activism as an object of governance. Invited presentation  at the Health activism between Markets and Morals seminar, Dublin, Ireland, September 20.

Wadmann (2019) Præsentation og deltagelse ved Ontario Health Data Integration Roundtable. University of Toronto, 10. September

Wadmann (2019) Digitally Fit for Purpose? Danish experiences with Data Integration in Health Systems. Guest lecture, University of Toronto and Womens’ College Hospital, Toronto, 9. September

Hoeyer (2019) The epistemic authority of data. On doubt, documentation and authentication in clinical care.  Paper presented at 4S conference, New Orleans, USA, September 5.

Tupasela, A and di Nucci, E. (2019) Concordance as Evidence. Presentation given at the European Sociological Associations 14th Annual Conference. University of Manchester, August 20-23.

Tupasela, A. (2019) Organizer of session Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the 14th ESA conference. Manchester, UK, August 21.

Hartlev (2019), Personalized medicine, equality and solidarity – is somebody left behind?. Presentation at World Association of Medical Law conference, Tokyo, Japan, August 2019.

Hoeyer (2019) When the whole population is a cohort...The politics of intensified data sourcing in Denmark.
Invited presentation at the clinic and the bank seminar, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute,  Jerusalem, Israel July 8.

Hoeyer (2019) Hvem skal bruge sundhedsdata – og til hvad? Inviteret tale ved ledelsesseminar i  Sundheds- og Omsorgsforvaltningen, Københavns Kommune, København, June 20.

Tupasela, A, Tarkkala, H and Snell, Karoliina (2019) Data Rush - Health Data Policies and Strategies In Denmark And Finland As Examples Of Data Market Imaginaries. Paper presented at the Nordic STS conference. University of Tampere, June 13-14

Hoeyer (2019) Inviteret paneldeltagelse i Folkemødet hos debat om sundhedsdata ved Sundhedsdatastyrelsen stand og om den nationale biobank ved Statens Serums Instituts telt. Allinge, Bornholm, June 13.

Wadmann S. (2019). Professionelt arbejde mellem måltal og professionsetik. Fagligt seminar for klinikchefer i Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri. Jægerspris. June 6

Hartlev (2019), Precision medicine, big data and health disparities – a patients’ rights perspective. Invited speaker, University of Manchester, June 2019.

Hoeyer, K (2019) Et data-drevet sundhedsvæsen - Er det vi vil? Invited presentation at the Symposium Data med  og uden mening. Meningsfuld brug af data i sundhedsvæsenet. KOPA, Region H, Copenhagen, May 9.

Hoeyer, K (2019) Medical Humanities in an Age of Big Data. Invited presentation on the symposium Medical Humanities: Contributions, new Approaches and Future Pathways. Novo Nordisk Foundation. Copenhagen, May 2.

Hoeyer, K (2019) Fremtidens ledelse og organisering: Det datadrevne sundhedsvæsen. Invited presentation for the annual meeting of Dansk Selskab for Ledelse i Sundhedsvæsenet (DSS), Svendborg, Denmark, April 26

Tupasela, A and di Nucci, E. (2019) Validating Treatment through Concordance. Presentation given at Sociology Days. University of Turku, March 22-23

Tupasela, A and di Nucci, E. (2019) Validating Treatment through Concordance. Presentation given at the Big Data and the Power of Narrative conference. IT University of Copenhagen, March 21-22.

Jensen, AMB (2019): “The Datafication of the Dead: Numbers and Narratives in Danish Organ Transplantation”. Presentation and the conference Big Data and the Power of Narrative. IT University Copenhagen, March 21

Wadmann S. (2019) Professionelt arbejde mellem måltal og professionsetik: Udviklinger i sundhedsvæsnets styring og konsekvenser for det fagprofessionelle råderum. Dansk Psykiatrisk Selskabs Årsmøde. Nyborg Strand, March 14

Hoeyer, K (2019) The practice of data-intensive medicine. Questioning potential in Danish healthcare and research. Invited keynote at the Towards Health Futures annual conference, Berlin, Germany, March 8.

Hartlev (2019) Big data, personalized medicine and tensions between autonomy and solidarity in Danish healthcare. Presentation at Centre for Genomic and Policy, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, March 2019.

Tupasela, A (2019) The Ethics of Machine Learning. Invited lecture at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health. January 25

Wadmann, S. & Levay, C. (2018) ‘We don’t like the rules and still we keep seeking new ones’: The vicious circle of quality control in professional organizations. International EIASM Public Sector Conference, Lund, September 4-6

Hoeyer, K (2018) Deepfakes and trust in data. Data-intensive medicine and the quest for evidence. Invited presentation at Melbourne University, Faculty of Medicine, Melbourne, Australia, December 10.

Hartlev og Ò Cathaoir (2018), Tensions between autonomy and solidarity in the legal construction of national strategies for personalized medicine. Presentation at World Congress of Bioethics, Bangalore Indien, December 2018

Tupasela, A (2018) The Wonderful World Of Data Management Plans And Open Access – A Researchers Perspective. Invited talk on Data Management Plans and Open Access at DTU, Copenhagen, November 19.

Hoeyer, K (2018) The lure of individual control: Danish experiences with informed consent and opt out solutions. Invited presentation at Big Data and the My Health Record Debate Seminar, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, November 13.

Hoeyer, K (2018) Hvordan bruger vi sundhedsdata godt? Invited presentation, Rigsrevisionen, København, Denmark, Oktober 5.

Hoeyer, K (2018) Datalegitimitet. Invited presentation to Område 4, Erhvervsministeriet/Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, København, Denmark, September 28.

Hoeyer, K (2018) Myten om et datadrevet sundhedsvæsen. Invited presentation in the honor of Prof Mette Hartlev, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, September 27.

Hoeyer, K (2018) Sundhedsdata og Etik. Invited presentation at Sundhedsindustriens Dag, København, Denmark, September 12.

Hoeyer, K (2018) The Myth of Data-Driven Healthcare. Invited presentation at Linköping University, Sweden, September 6.

Hoeyer, K (2018) Et data-drevet sundhedsvæsen? Invited presentation, Rigsrevisionen, København, Denmark, June 7.

Hoeyer, K (2018) Invited participant in panel debate. STOA and ERC at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, May 30.

Hoeyer, K and S Wadmann (2018) The Data Moment. Reflections from the Health Services. DASTS, Copenhagen, May 25.

Nordfalk, Francisca (2018). From baby to data: The journeys of newborn dried blood spots. Presentation at the DASTS conference 2018: Engaging the ‘Data Moment’. Copenhagen, Denmark, May 25

Hoeyer, K (2018) Data-driven policies? Contemporary Danish policy visions of health data use. Invited presentation for the Datafication of Healthcare symposium, Aarhus University, Denmark, March 19.

Hoeyer, K (2018) Samtykke og selvbestemmelse i sundhedsdataforskning. Invited presentation to the Danish Council on Ethics, Ministry of Health, Copenhagen, February 22.

Tupasela, A (2018) Searching for grounded truths in AI development. Invited talk for the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, February 20.

Tupasela, A (2018) From Big Data to Clean Data in AI Development. Invited talk at the Big Data: Challenges and opportunities for epistemology and ethics? workshop. Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen, January 24

Hoeyer, K (2018) Studying Big Data Ethnographically. Invited talk for Explorative workshop on Big Data: Challenges and opportunities for epistemology and ethics, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, January 24.

Hoeyer, K (2018) En personlig fortælling om at realisere talent. Invited speech for Akademiet for Talentfulde Unges 10-års jubilæum og årsmøde. Copenhagen, January 22.

Nordfalk, Francisca (2017) Donation or participation? Using newborn dried blood spots for research purposes. Presentation at the Deconstructing Donation Study Group Conference. University of Bristol, UK, December 7

K Hoeyer (2017) Det informerede samtykke: Intentioner, politik og praksis. Invited presentation for Etisk Udvalg under Strategien for Personlig Medicin, Ministry of Health, Copenhagen, November 24.

K Hoeyer (2017) The Politics of the Archive. Invited presentation at The Politics of Biobanking Symposium, Medical Village, Lund, Sweden, November 16.

Sheikh, Z (2017) Beyond gut reactions – understanding donor perspectives on local and global blood and plasma use. Invited guest lecture in series on ‘Critical issues in citizenship studies’, Course: Citizenship and Participation, Master students in Sociology, Ghent University, Belgium. November 10.

Sheikh, Z (2017) Samples, family histories and clinical tests as currency: Recruitment for international genetic research in Pakistan. Invited talk at research seminar at Depart of Sociology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. November 9.

K Hoeyer (2017) Data-intensive healthcare and the public-private distinction. Invited paper at The Expansion of the Health Data Ecosystem Workshop, Maastricht, November 8.

Sheikh, Z (2017) A qualitative study of international research on rare genetic disorders. Collecting biomaterial, clinical data and family histories in Pakistan. Early Career Workshop, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. October 18.

Nordfalk, Francisca (2017). PhD Francisca Nordfalk: Estimation of the Danish setting. Presentation at The Effect of Electronic Informed Consent Information on Residual Newborn Specimen Research 2017 Research Team Meeting. USA, Utah, Park City, October 9

Jensen, AMB & Hoeyer, K (2017) The more the merrier - understanding the incremental desire for organs donor and data in Danish transplantation practices. Presentation at the conference Organs, tissues, contexts: Politics and practices in the era of transplant medicine, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, September 22

Hoeyer, K (2017) The Datafication of Biobanks. Presentation at the CHIP-Me final conference, Galway, Ireland, September 4.

Wadmann, S & Hoeyer, K (2017) The Straw that broke the camel’s back: Valuations and the sustainability of infrastructures for data production and exchange. Paper presented at EGOS, CBS, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 8.

Hoeyer, K (2017) The data politics of digitalized healthcare, Invited presentation, Brocher Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland, June 22.

Wadmann, S (2017) Data sourcing, resistance and seamlessness as a source of conflict. Presentation at the DataPower Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 22-23 June.

Hoeyer, K (2017) Data as promise. Reflections on contemporary Danish visions of health data. Invited talk at the Digital Healthcare Workshop, Nottingham University, Nottingham, UK, June 20.

Hoeyer, K (2017) Hvem har adgang til vores sundhedsdata? Invited participation in panel debate, Folkemødet, Bornholm, Denmark, June 16.

Sheikh, Z (2017) Conceptions of 'trust' in genetic research: participants' perspectives from Pakistan and Denmark. Invited presentation at the Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture SIUT, Karachi, Pakistan. April 8.           

Hoeyer, K (2017) Personalized medicine: Data intensification and evidence-making in Danish healthcare. Invited presentation at KU Leuven, Belgium. March 23.

Sheikh, Z (2017) The rural reality in Pakistan: unpacking 'trust' in genetic research. Invited presentation at the UHS conference on Medical Ethics, University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan. March 21.

Hoeyer, K (2017) Datapolitik i Sundhedsvæsenet. Invited talk at the symposium Mød Eliteforskerne, the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen, March 13.

Hoeyer, K (2017) Post-Truth? Personalized medicine, data intensification and evidence in Danish healthcare. Invited talk at Sheffield University (Medical Humanities Programme), Sheffield, England, January 30.

Hoeyer, K (2017) “When an entire country is a cohort": Research conscription in Denmark. Invited presentation at the Liminal Spaces workshop, Wellcome Trust, London, England, January 26.

Hoeyer, K (2016) Knowing the potential. Exploring technologies of prediction in Danish healthcare. Paper presented at AAA, Minneapolis, USA, November 17.

Wadmann, S (2016) Som svampe i en skovbund. Datavækst i den offentlige forvaltning. Paper presented at the Danish National Archives (Rigsarkivet) annual conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2.  

Hoeyer, K (2016) Policy, practice and patient experience in the age of intensified data sourcing. Invited presentation at SOUL (Sundhed, Organisation, Uddannelse og Læring), Aalborg University, Copenhagen, September 14.

Hoeyer, K (2016) Salvage accumulation and global tissue flows. The East Asian Tissue Economies Workshop, Tsinghua University, Beijing, September 7. 

Hoeyer, K (2016) Patient, population and back. Accounting for patient data in Denmark. Paper presented at the 4S Annual Conference/EASST Annual Meeting, Barcelona, September 2.

Sheikh, Z (2016) Adding a global dimension to cross-national research collaborations: Unpacking trust among research participants in Pakistan. Paper presented at the 4S Annual Conference/EASST Annual Meeting, Barcelona, September 2.








Møller, A.M. & Wadmann, S. 2021. Når patienten er en post-it: Digitaliseret viden og analoge fix blandt fagprofessionelle. Symposium: Digital Gnidningsløshed og Arbejdet Bag, Kunsten, Aalborg, 4.10.2021.

Jensen, AMB., & Larsen, J. B. (2020). The public debate on organ donation and presumed consent in Denmark: Are the right issues being addressed? Scandinavian Journal of Public Health48(5), 480-485. https://doi.org/10.1177/1403494819833797

Á Rogvi, S & K Høyer (2021) Forskere: Statsministerens udskamning af ikke-vaccinerede kan skade det langsigtede arbejde med folkesundheden. Altinget, November 16.

Jensen, AMB, (2019). Kommentarer til lovforslag B10 om formodet samtykke: Foretræde Sundheds-og Ældreudvalget, Nr. Bilag 5, Nr. B10, January 17.

Jensen, AMB. (2018). Formodet samtykke til organdonation kan betyde færre organer. Berlingske Tidende. November 30.

Brodersen, J & K Høyer (2017) Sundhedsprofessorer: Pulsmålere kan føre til overbehandling. Altinget, November 24.

Høyer, K (2020) Podcast: Hvor tilfreds var du med venteværelset på en skala fra et til fem? Podcast-serie (af) O Lerche (red.). København: Informations Forlag, August, 2020

Bjerre Haase, C. (2020) Sundhedsvæsnet elsker datateknologi, fordi det har misforstået, hvad sundhed er. Information, 28. august

Hoeyer, K (2020) Data i sundhed. Webinar, Digis, Region Midt, 23. marts.

Dine sundhedsdata kan redde liv, hvis de bliver brugt rigtigt, TV2Øst, 17. November 2019

Ruppert, Evelyn, interviewet af Brit Winthereik og Klaus Høyer (2019) Data som etnografisk objekt. Oversat af Ida Ege Biering og Lea Enslev, Tidsskriftet Antropologi, 79: 35-42.

Høyer, K & B Winthereik (2019) Smukke, rå og beskidte: Data som antropologisk anliggende, Tidsskriftet Antropologi, 79: 135-142.

Høyer, K (2019) Brug af data i det offentlige skal skabe læring, ikke kontrol og ekstraarbejde, Information, June 6.

Wadmann, S. & Hartlev, M. 2018. Forskere: Det er tid til at få ryddet op i lovgivning om sundhedsdata. Altinget.dk, 22. Okt. 2018

Høyer, K (2019) Hvem ejer dine sundhedsdata? Deltagelse i paneldebat, Information, København, 26. Februar.

Høyer, K (2019) Dataetik: Flyt fokus fra privatliv til bedre brug af data. Complidia. March 21.

Høyer, K (2019) Professor om hiv-debat: Bekymrende, at det handler om moralske forkvabbelser. Altinget. March 15.

Maria Cuculiza (2019) Lille perle af en bog om klog og uklog anvendelse af sundhedsdata, Sundhedspolitisk Tidsskrift,  February 15.

Maria Cuculiza (2019) Professor: Det danske sundhedsvæsen er midt i en verdensomfattende dataeksplosion, Sundhedspolitisk Tidsskrift,  February 6.

Julie Lindhardt Høimark (2019) Professor vil rejse debat om sundhedsdata med ny bog, Sciencereport.dk, January 17

Poul Aarøe Pedersen og Kenneth Lund (2019) Professor: Dyrkelsen af data hærger vores sundhedsvæsen - lad dog fagpersonerne bruge deres sunde dømmekraft (i) Politiken, January 3.

Brodersen, J & K Høyer (2017) Sundhedsprofessorer: Pulsmålere kan føre til overbehandling. Altinget, November 24.

Høyer, K (2017) Sundhedstjenesteforsker: Hvad er et datadrevet sundhedsvæsen egentlig? Altinget, October 25.